Reply To: First week

  • AJ West

    October 9, 2023 at 11:07 pm

    Hi Emanuele!

    Glad you have the correct iron citrate! You will still need to take folic acid as below:

    The easiest dose by preserving whole number of capsules of the three best, would be multiplying this by 4 as so:

    1.125 g niacin per 1.125 mg folic acid per 1 Swanson Iron Citrate (Ferric Citrate aka Iron(III) Citrate aka Fe3+ Citrate) capsule (which is 25 mg ferric ion each capsule as shown on the back) * 4

    1.125 g niacin * 4 = 4.5 g niacin

    1.125 mg folic acid * 4 = 4.5 mg folic acid

    1 Swanson Iron Citrate capsule * 4 = 4 Swanson Iron Citrate capsule (or 4 * 25 mg ferric iron = 100 mg ferric iron)


    4.5 g niacin

    4.5 mg folic acid

    4 Swanson Iron Citrate capsules


    9 niacin (preferably PureBulk 500mg each) capsules

    4.5 folic acid (since PureBulk doesn’t make capsules, preferably Dr. Clark 1 mg capsules (I COMPLETELY FORGOT about those, which are also BOVINE CAPSULE, to get exactly half, you can weigh out the contents of one, take out half the mass, then put that back into the capsule or into another bovine gel one) but also we have Pure Encapsulations which are 800mcg each, then would be Solgar which are 800 mcg each (can also get 400mcg caps of each of these last two companies)

    4 Swanson Iron Citrate capsules

    So basically, most preferably:

    9 niacin (PureBulk 500mg each) capsules


    4.5 folic acid (Dr. Clark’s 1mg each) capsules


    4 Swanson Iron Citrate capsules

    This dose, obviously, would be for those more experienced and not very first timers (unless in more serious situation)…