

The most advanced medical investigations have culminated into generating* NiasCin, unification of the (what happen to be two) identified nutrients whose mutually unaddressed inadequacies cooperatively drive disease etiology whilst proper restoration reverse the ensuing pathologies: Niacin aka nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), into their thermodynamically favorable, hydrogen-bonded complexation of cocrystals manifested for the purpose of providing the enhanced thermal, photo-, & pH stability required for their individual and moreover their combined, potentially synergistic powers to be (much) more entirely unraveled.

* Pioneered by renowned epidemiologist/biostatistician/biochemist/mathematician, Dmitry Kats PhD, MPH, following extensive synthesis, confirmation, and advancement into further application of the findings delineated from the most reputable body of clinical & epidemiological literature

In addition to the genesis of NiasCin being governed by the utmost rigorous scientific determinations, our 501(c)(3)-registered public charity research organization is sternly committed and fundamentally chemically bound to usage of strictly the highest-grade molecular precursors (i.e., verified with official Certificate of Analysis documentation affirming pure, contaminant-free niacin, ascorbic acid, & water) for the preparation of NiasCin.

Exclusively THE TOP-grade, FRESHEST, non-GMO ingredients are procured, cleanly and professionally manufactured in our case in either Switzerland (USP niacin) or the United States (FCC ascorbic acid & ACS water). These compounds are officially verified to surpass the most stringent requirements for quality, purity, & biosafety per documented results of appropriate tests determined through chemical instrument analyses, objectively audited while certified in record with dated tracking.

Level 1A Medical Evidence — comprised of doubleblinded, randomized, controlled, interventional human clinical trials with standardized clinical outcomes and their meta-analyses — establishes profound and widespread benefits with maximal safety for relevant supplementation of these key micronutrients which can serve as multidimensional preventive and therapeutic treatment.

Notwithstanding such concrete demonstration of safety and effectiveness for both niacin and ascorbic acid, the most efficient meanwhile complete protection or amelioration of the consequences developed over their unaddressed voids might not be attainable unless through administration of what appears to (even be meant to) be the two complexed together as the cocrystals of NiasCin.

Complexation of the two essential vitamins into these cocrystals is evidently promotive for their uptake into optimal utilization and intrinsic to ultimately harnessing their sought after, needed — but not until now — fully realized actions (& beyond). Accordingly, increased intake of NiasCin is projected to ascend individuals and populations along marked improvements in health and functioning as well as notable extension of longevity.

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Certificate of Analysis (& Origin) documents pictured correspond to the exact ingredients currently in NiasCin.
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NiasCin is equipped with 44 grams of pure, complexed [canary-yellow colored] niacin-ascorbic acid cocrystals to supply the average adult for approximately a month.

Alongside or in lieu of NiasCin, we are pleased to offer a lower-cost, more starter option (or for on-the-go, travel, children, pets, as a gift), miNiasCin, which contains 25% of the amount — a sizable still 11 grams of the cocrystals.

Both variations — the standard NiasCin and the relatively smaller miNiasCin — hold the cocrystals in brand-new, high-quality, dark-amber glass bottles (~2 to 8 fl. oz), topped and sealed with freshness-preserving polyphenol-based, secure twist-caps.

TO ORDER, for each of the below drop-down menus

choose Yes or No to:

* NiasCin,

* miNiasCin, and

* Beaker

Lastly, choose SHIPPING (USA or International).

Indicate # (default 1) and then Add to cart to proceed.

~ [email protected] if issues ordering or to inquire about payment plans ~

Review the below Description for more info.

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Niacin (i.e., Nicotinic Acid) aka Vitamin B3, USP– (US Pharmacopeia) grade; manufactured & packaged in Switzerland
* always fresh
* strictly 100% pure
* immediate-release (unaltered, natural) crystalline powder nicotinic acid (= the ONLY Vitamin B3 & exogenously utilizable NAD+ precursor)

(l)-Ascorbic Acid aka Vitamin C, FCC– (Food Chemicals Codex) grade: exceeds the strictest standards of quality & biosafety, intended for human consumption (akin to USP); manufactured & packaged in USA
* always fresh
* strictly 100% pure crystalline powder

 … precisely complexed — at equimolar amounts of niacin & ascorbic acid — through a delicate process that mandates use of exclusively the purest…

WaterH2O, ACS– (American Chemical Society) grade (highest possible for unbiased use of strictly pure water solution); manufactured & bottled in USA
* distilled, deionized
* always fresh
* super-micro-filtered (at the tiniest level possible, 0.000002 microns) to be virtually impurity-free

 … each chemical stored securely to be prepared meticulously in our specially equipped chemical laboratory facilities abiding sternly to all appropriate safety and handling procedures.

Upon preparation of each batch…

… appropriate amounts of contents are carefully transferred into brand-new, top-quality, dark-amber glass jars (w/ content-preserving gel inner-seals for ultimate protection), to give 44 grams for the standard-sized NiasCin, and as the miNiasCin, a quarter of that amount (i.e., 11 grams).

A single NiasCin bottle should last an average adult usually ~1 month. A miNiasCin bottle should be ample for at least a week.

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While possessing markedly improved stability, to ensure that optimal bioactivity is preserved all the way up to their administration, the cocrystals are contained within the described brand-new, highest-end dark-amber glassware with leakproof (inside gel-seal) caps and likewise freshly prepared practically every night before sending out each order. The polyphenol caps of these bottles are designed to be tightly closed (after wiping/cleaning off the rim of any remnants) following each dispense and stored in a cool, dark spot (e.g., cabinet or closet) and can likely be refrigerated for some extension of shelf-life in the long run.

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Finally, we offer a convenient, durable accessary to be utilized within which to measure and subsequently dissolve the NiasCin cocrystals: a brand-new Corning® PYREX® glass Beaker (1-oz / 30-mL) that via the sub-menus above can also be ordered (additionally or individually).

Expedited UPS or if smoother, USPS  —  specify Shipping address at Checkout (Order notes at the bottom-left) if different than Billing
* USA (1-3 business days)
* International i.e. outside the USA (typically 1-7 business days)

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Supplement, nutrient, or “health”-related companies — by not providing official documentation of the actual chemicals used in the product — are NOT actually selling what their products are claimed to be. Sans any regulation whatsoever contrary to as is the case for pharmaceutical drugs, to be capable of matching competitors in such a growing industry, most if not all supplement/nutrient companies are basically flipping goods produced/shipped from a Chinese (or Indian or often even Pakistani) origin, manufactured through unknown production processes not intended for any documented determination of the quality, biosafety, or even identity of its contents. Assuming that these supplement/nutrient companies are even aware of the discrepancies between what they are used to getting (i.e., essentially recycled toxic waste from usually China) and the corroborated (via audited, dated, officially filed- documentation of chemical analysis test results) to be pure, fresh, contaminant-free nutrients which they ought to be obtaining and using in their products, then spending the extra money to procure pharmaceutical-grade chemicals that have legitimately undergone tests to vindicate their purity, biosafety, & quality control would mean that the company would have to charge much more, explain the sudden change, literally bank on the hope that consumers even take this into account, and ultimately not be able to stay in business.

The United States’ FDA provides bureaucratic oversight of the prescription drug market, requiring all molecules that have ever been used in these drugs now on the shelves at the pharmacy to have passed strict USP or in the case of fortification or baby formula, just as strict FCC requirements for purity, biosafety, & quality control. On the other hand, without any regulation or accountability of the commercial supplement industry, it is unfortunately the case that for the most part, bootleg-manufactured, toxic products are predominately what are being sold and consumed.

Without authentic, dated Certificates of Analysis (COAs) composed by the manufacturer while also audited by an objective, official source, let alone any legitimate documentation, global poisoning has been occurring through the commerce of supplement ingredients (so-called “nutrients”). Such official documentation as is provided for NiasCin, detailing audited confirmation of the contents’ identity, biosafety, & quality control determined through extensive testing using standardized instruments, allows the consumer to see/check and for the first time, actually know exactly what they are getting. Otherwise, it is literally a COIN FLIP if the supplement/nutrient/”health”-related product you purchase contains even a SPECK of the certain ingredient(s) it claims (see here for more).

Pretty much ALL supplement/nutrient products on the market are not equipped with official, dated COAs, because if they were, then they would show up as being completely fraudulent or at best, unacceptably contaminated with impurities ranging from pesticides, heavy metals, along with various other toxic byproducts as well as harmful residues through their low-budget, bootlegged, so-called manufacturing process (wherever & however that took place).

Our charity is fortunate to have partnered with the world’s top manufacturers/suppliers of the purest, freshest pharmaceutical-grade chemicals, intended for human supplementation (which would be required if a pharmaceutical company is designing a drug product) to welcome for consumers to attain and be confident that they are using strictly the actual pure, fresh nutrients, backed via official COA documents filed by the manufacturer and objectively audited.

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Your order represents donation to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity research organization for the various costs accrued in facilitating procurement of the validated pure, fresh compounds comprising NiasCin from the globe’s sole legitimate & reliable manufacturers that come equipped with official, dated proof of identity, purity, biosafety, & quality control per audited test results, in addition to the proceeding specialized storage, careful handling, and fine-tuned preparation involved in their precise synthesis into NiasCin including bottling accessories, topped off with pristine packaging and delivery services.

Thank you,

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